Our Values
Our Values
Our core values are who we are. They are not just what we do—they are part of our DNA.

We Champion Community
We are more than a church. We’re family. For that reason we are committed to walking this faith journey with others by our side.

We Champion Diversity
We are committed to see a church that reflects the diversity of heaven. We will be a church that bridges the gaps in our city with the love of Jesus.

We Champion Passion
Passion drives everything we do. From worship to serving to outreach, we’re empowered by Holy Spirit energy. This same passion fuels our love for Jesus, people, and His church.

We Champion The One
We are committed to playing our Kingdom role of reaching those who are far from Jesus. It is our honor and calling bring people into the Kingdom of God.

We Champion Generosity
We believe in creating a culture of giving back what God has so richly given us. It’s our honor to give back to Him. We generously give our time, talent and treasure to impact lives.

We Champion Servant Leadership
We bring our best effort to the house of God and serve with excellence. We chose towels over titles. We see the need and meet the need because we are “Bringers”.

We Champion Pursuit
Thankfulness drives our passion for pursuit. Pursuing God is not just what we do, but it’s who we are.

We Champion Faith
We serve a big God who does the impossible. Jesus said that “everything is possible for those who believe”. For that reason we pray big prayers and expect God to do big things in our lives and with Champion City.